Placing Applications In Divisions

When collecting team applications, it's important to accept your teams and place them into the correct division before you're able to start scheduling. The system will only let you generate schedules for divisions that have teams.

To review your team applications and place them in the corresponding divisions, begin on the Elements Admin page and click on the Team Application Manager link.

Under the Review Team Applications category, click on the Received Applications link. The link will take you to a table that shows all of the applications received by your tournament thus far, broken down by their current status. To place applications into a division, click on the blue linked number in the UnReviewed column.

The "Not in any Division - UnReviewed" page will list all applications that have yet to be updated by the Administrator. From this table, you can review the team application, see if they've paid, update the team's status for the tournament, and place them in the division you'd like them to play in.


If you don't want to accept a team until they've paid, but you will be accepting them after payment, classify them as a "Reviewed" status.

Note: You also have the ability to change a team's status and placement within each in individual application.


Placing Applications Video Tutorial


Have an additional question about placing applications? Reach out to Demosphere Support!