Team Registration Guidance for Club Admins

Club Admins register teams directly from their club team page view. Below is a preview of this process: 

1. Once the Club Admins log in, on the dashboard they will select Teams option in the Demosphere Universal Experience Product.  


2. Use the Club and Seasonal Scope from dropdown menus if needed to locate a specific club or season. Teams matching those criteria will be listed on the screen. Use the column filters to locate the team or use the search box.

3. Click on the team name to be taken to their Team Page. Once on the Team Page, Club Admins will select the Register tab.

4. A new tab will open. Select the competition, season, and grouping that the team will be competing in. Teams must meet the registration criteria for the season in order to register. If the competition, season, or grouping is not listed, it could be for a few reasons: 

  • At the time of applying the team is already in a Season*
    • *Note if a team is already in a season, Club Admins should clone the team from their team pool view first to apply into the season.
  • At the time of applying, the Registration Window is closed. 
  • At the time of applying, the setting to allow registrations to occur on the team page is not enabled.
  • The season is not accepting teams of certain team types, genders, or ages. i.e.: The season is open for registration for Competitive teams and your team is Recreational or the season is open for Competitive teams ages U13 - U18 and your team is U12. 

5. Once selections have been made, Club Admins will click Next. 

6. Club Admins will then complete the Team Registration form for the season.  If there are multiple sections, all fields marked with asterisks (*) are required and will need to be filled in to advance to the next step. If available, the blackout date selection will appear at the bottom of the form for the Club Admin to input any possible blackout dates for the team that falls within the season. Once completed, click Next.   


7. During this step the registrant will review all information entered on the team registration. If corrections need to be made, the club admin will need to use the Edit button located in the lower left-hand corner and will be taken back to the previous step and enter updated info on that page. Team Registration Fees and the Seasonal Refund Policy will also be listed below the Team Registration Form. If all information is correct, click Checkout to advance to the next screen.  



8. Registration fees will be listed along with the options to pay in full or pay in installments (if available). Club Admins will choose the payment option and installment plan based on the plan options provided.  If an installment plan is selected, installment dates and amounts will be listed on the screen. Next, enter in payment method details and click Pay Now to proceed. 


9. Lastly, the team registration has been confirmed!  An email confirmation receipt will be sent to the Club Admin. The confirmation page will display registration information, confirmation message, order details, payment schedule (if installment plan was selected) and the refund policy for the season. Click the Return to Team Page button to go back to the Team’s page.