Recent Team Registration Listing View

This report is useful for administrators when needing to quickly view/scan registration numbers and statuses across all seasons to aid in the review and approval process. 

To access this report: 

  1. From the Demosphere Universal Experience dashboard select Registrations. The recent team registration report will be displayed in the Listings tab.  
  2. When loading the report, the default filter is set to automatically show all seasons that are currently open based on the registration close date to help locate specific seasons that may require immediate attention. This date filter can be modified as needed to filter down to seasons based on any registration close date.
  3. Click on the season name to be taken to the Registration Overview screen where you can manage season registration settings or view more season reports such as the participating teams report or team registrations report.

If there are multiple seasons within a competition to display, the current default season will be indicated in the report as ‘Current’.