Designated Registration or Team Statues Locking Seasonal Rosters

Full Admins, and Registrars/Commissioners (with registration permissions) can indicate when to lock rosters based on team or registration statutes. Locking a roster will prevent any additions or removals to current rosters by club admins or team staff. 


In the Registrations product when configuring team registration settings at the season or grouping levels (Registrations > choose competition/season > click on edit at the season or grouping level > Team Registrations), if any seasonal teams match the status that has been selected in the “Lock Rosters & Staff with these Statuses” option then team staff (who have been given permission to manage rosters) and club admins will be blocked from conducting the following actions:

  • Adding new Players and Staff to Rosters
  • Dropping Players and Staff
  • Editing Existing Players and Staff
  • Editing Seasonal Team Information  

When teams are locked and club admins or team staff who have permission to manage rosters are viewing their team, a message reading “Roster is Locked” will display on the Team Page when hovering over the add, edit, or delete options for staff and players. 


Note: While club admins and team staff with managing roster permissions will be blocked from making any changes once a team is placed in the designated locking status, full admins, registrars, and commissioners with access to the registrations for the season will still have full access to modify rosters as necessary. 


When admins are adding, editing, or deleting team staff or players from a locked roster a message will display advising that the team is locked, but will still allow those users to proceed with their roster modification action.