Configuring & Collecting Blackout Dates

Once your competition and season have been set up, game dates will need to be entered into the Schedules product. Defining game dates for the season will help determine any potential scheduling conflicts for seasonal teams. If configured, during the Team Registration process teams will be able to view the game dates and then submit blackout dates as part of their application.

Configuring Game Dates

  1. From the Demosphere Universal dashboard click Schedules and use the dropdown menus to navigate to your competition and season.
  2. Click on the edit icon at the season level or grouping level. Within the Game Dates section, use the calendar to pick game dates.

  1. Once complete, click Save. Game Dates can be set for the entire season or overwritten at the grouping level as needed.  


Configuring Blackout Requests for your Season 

During the team registration process teams will have an optional menu where they can select blackout dates for the season based on the game dates that have been configured in the Schedules product. Follow the steps below to determine the number of game date blackout requests a team can include in their registration.

  1. Navigate to the Registrations product and use the dropdown menus to select your competition and season. 
  2. Click on the edit icon at the season level and choose Team Registrations from the menu options on the Edit Season Setting dialog. 
  3. Enter the max number of game date blackout requests a team is allowed to select. An option for teams to include their time of availability on a blackout date can also be included in their request. Once complete, click Save.  



Collecting Blackout Date during Team Registration

If Blackout Requests are configured (see above) registrants will see a section titled “Game Date Blackout Requests” towards the bottom of Step 2 during the registration process. The dates available for selection are defined as game dates in the Schedules area for the season. The “Available on date from:” option is a time indicator that can be used for the registrant to specify the team’s availability on the chosen blackout date. 


Viewing Game Date Blackout Requests

Once teams have submitted their registration for the season, blackout requests can be viewed on the Team Registration Report. The Blackouts column will give the number of blackout dates a team has requested – to view the date(s) each team has requested click on the form icon next to the team name. This will open their registration form where you can view all form responses, including blackout date details.


Syncing Blackout Date Requests to Elements Schedules

If your season is set to sync to Elements Schedules, the blackout dates for Accepted Teams will automatically sync to your connected Elements season